Sunday, February 17, 2013

Spring clean install

Despite my efforts with the likes of DiskWarrior and Techtool Pro, my iMac 2008 had been running like a dog recently. Lots of spinning beach balls for event the most basic of task such as running the Finder window to find an application, made me realise that after upgrading from Leopard > Snow Leopard > Lion > Mountain Lion over the last years, the Mac was in desperate need

After I got over my laziness to do it, I finally checked round the web to get myself ready. TimeMachine and SuperDuper! backups were in place and tested for select file restores. The new thing was to create a bootable image for Mountain Lion in the first place.

I came across a recommended piece of freeware names Lion DiskMaker, which takes the Lion install from the Mac Apps Store and via a couple of steps creates the bootable USB stick for you.

Lion DiskMaker - nice little app for creating bootable Moutain Lion media

I fancied doing a late nighter, so after restarting the Mac holding down the Options key, I erased my partition and then moved onto installing Mountain Lion as a clean install.

The beauty of erase and install!

While its taken the best part of a day to reinstall apps and tweak my required settings, the mojo in my Mac is back. The spinning ball rarely seen and some proper snappiness has returned, even for a Intel Core Duo model from 2008.

Spring is the time to given our important things a good clean.